Criminalization of the Involvement of Minors in Criminal Activities

Research specialty: 5.1.4



criminalization, juvenile delinquency, crime, juvenile involvement, victims of crime


The article investigates the issue of criminalization of involvement of minors in criminal activity; analyzes the main factors contributing to the manifestation of deviant behavior; considers criminal acts that are committed directly involving minors. It is suggested that the official statistics does not fully reflect the real criminal situation on the involvement of minors in criminal activity, which reduces the effectiveness of preventive preventive work in this area; there is a need for constant monitoring of the criminological situation, as well as work to improve the effectiveness of the current model of prevention of victimization of adolescents in the field of involvement in criminal activity. Most often, adolescents from dysfunctional and incomplete families, social orphans, neglected and street children are involved in criminal activity.

The problem of finding optimal ways and means of countering the criminalization of the involvement of minors in criminal activity remains relevant today, in the era of universal digitalization.

For citation: Mayorov AV. Criminalization of the involvement of minors in criminal activities. Sotsialnoe upravlenie [Social Management]. 2023;5(12):566-573. URL: (In Russ.)


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How to Cite

Mayorov А.В. 2023. “Criminalization of the Involvement of Minors in Criminal Activities: Research Specialty: 5.1.4”. SOCIAL MANAGEMENT 5 (12):566-73.