Use of modern scientific and technical means in criminal proceedings


  • A.A. Podoprigora Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
  • D.A. Zorina Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia


evidence, criminalistics, scientific and technical means, criminal procedure, investigation of crimes, investigative actions


This article examines the concept of scientific and technical means, their role and importance in criminal proceedings. The aspects of the use of various types of technical means, such as audio and video recordings, photographs, filming and others, as evidence in criminal proceedings are investigated. These technical tools help in identifying the circumstances of the case and in achieving justice in making court decisions.

For citation: Zorina DA. Use of modern scientific and technical means in criminal proceedings. Sotsialnoe upravlenie [Social Management]. 2024;6(1S):S77-80. URL: (In Russ.)


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How to Cite

Podoprigora А.А., and Zorina Д.А. 2024. “Use of Modern Scientific and Technical Means in Criminal Proceedings”. SOCIAL MANAGEMENT 6 (1S):77-80.