Problems of the Defender's Participation in Proving During the Criminal Case Proceedings


  • A.A. Chufarova Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia


This article is devoted to the problem of participation of defense counsel in proving a criminal case. The article is important for everyone who has faced the problem of participation in criminal proceedings, because it is the evidence is the main factor in decision-making by the investigator, the court. Given the importance of the process of proving, one can not underestimate the role of the defense lawyer in the implementation of the defense of the suspect or accused, because only a lawyer can provide qualified legal assistance.

In this article the author studies the activities of the lawyer-defender as a subject, a participant of proving, a person who proves certain circumstances; considers the problems of participation of the lawyer in the process of proving and makes a number of proposals in order to implement the principle of equality, adversarial nature of the parties to criminal proceedings.

The purpose of the study is to develop proposals to improve the level of realization of personal rights, freedoms and legitimate interests when participating in criminal proceedings.

Methodology. The study uses system-functional method, legal-technical analysis, formal-logical method.

Results. The study demonstrates, the role of the lawyer-defender in the process of proving is very important, and it is important the participation of the lawyer-defender from the very beginning of the production of investigative and procedural actions with the participation of the suspect (accused) or the victim, which is the immediate goal of full protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the defense party.

Conclusion. In order to minimize the problems that may arise in the participation of the defense counsel in the collection of evidence in a criminal case by the body of preliminary investigation, it is necessary to expand the powers of the defense counsel and strengthen the education of citizens.


defense lawyer, evidence, criminal proceedings, protection of rights, criminal procedure, principle of equality of rights and adversarial nature of parties

For citation

Chufarova AA. Problems of the defender's participation in proving during the criminal case proceedings. Sotsialnoe upravlenie [Social Management]. 2024;6(1S):S102-108. URL: (In Russ.)



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How to Cite

Chufarova А.А. 2024. “Problems of the Defender’s Participation in Proving During the Criminal Case Proceedings”. SOCIAL MANAGEMENT 6 (1S):102-8.