Institutional aspects of legal discourse


  • G.V. Makovich Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Yekaterinburg, Russia


legal discourse, institutional properties of legal discourse in the digital environment, informative redundancy of legal discourse


The paper considers changes in the institutional properties of legal discourse due to its inclusion in the digital society. The paper considers new strategies, models and results of legal discourse functioning, identifies opportunities and risks of legal norm formation in the open mass legal  discourse in the digital environment. The variants of attitude to legal information in the digital environment are considered.

For citation: Makovich GV. Institutional aspects of legal discourse. Sotsialnoe upravlenie [Social Management]. 2023;5(12):554-559. URL: (In Russ.)


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How to Cite

Makovich Г.В. 2023. “Institutional Aspects of Legal Discourse”. SOCIAL MANAGEMENT 5 (12):554-59.