Prosecutor's Supervision as a Means of Countering Corruption in the Field Of State and Municipal Procurement of Medicines and Medical Products


  • V.D. Grigorovitch Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia


crimes, corruption, medicines, medical devices, state and municipal procurement, prosecutor's supervision


The article is devoted to the consideration of the prosecutorial aspect of countering corruption-related crimes in the field of state and municipal procurement of medicines and medical devices, identifying approaches to solving problems and suppressing crimes in this area; also, this work determines the effectiveness of the appropriate direction of prosecutorial supervision, and also characterizes the measures of prosecutorial response in case of violations and corruption-causing factors.


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How to Cite

Grigorovitch В.Д. 2023. “Prosecutor’s Supervision As a Means of Countering Corruption in the Field Of State and Municipal Procurement of Medicines and Medical Products”. SOCIAL MANAGEMENT 5 (2S):186-90.