Moral Principles in the Activities of Prosecutors and Investigators


  • I.R. Ramazanov Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia


prosecutor's etiquette, highly qualified employee of the prosecutor's office, moral and ethical qualities of prosecutors, selection and placement of civil servants


The article analyzes the qualities that an honest, highly qualified prosecutor should possess. The subject of the work is the moral and ethical qualities of prosecutors, as well as the legislation confirming the need to develop ethics of prosecutors. The paper examines the significance of the work of human resource officers in the selection and placement of public servants. Ways to improve the moral and ethical qualities of prosecutors for the successful performance of their duties are suggested.


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How to Cite

Ramazanov И.Р. 2023. “Moral Principles in the Activities of Prosecutors and Investigators”. SOCIAL MANAGEMENT 5 (2S):147-50.