Human Trafficking and the Use of Slave Labor: Current Problems of Criminal Legal Regulation and Ways to Solve Them


  • R.M. Khayrullina Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia


slave labor, slavery, human trafficking, criminal law, legislation


This article examines human trafficking and the use of slave labor, current problems of criminal law regulation and ways to solve them. Criminal liability for human trafficking and the use of slave labor is regulated in detail by the norms of the current Russian legislation of the Russian Federation. However, despite the isolation of the elements of crime under study in Art. 127.1 and Art. 127.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, nevertheless, some problems remain unresolved in this area, the presence of which creates difficulties at the law enforcement level. In modern conditions, there are difficulties with definitions, with understanding human trafficking and slave labor. The crimes themselves are quite dangerous, and this group of crimes causes serious harm. However, it is still unclear how expedient it is to single out certain signs of a crime, and whether it is worth adjusting the composition. There are also problems in application in a practical sense. There are notable difficulties in collecting evidence and identifying groups involved in human trafficking. Such groups usually work secretly and take measures to ultimately remain undetected. An equally important and pressing problem is the punishment for committing such crimes. In some cases, establishing and proving the fact of human trafficking and the use of slave labor turns out to be difficult, which affects the outcome of the case. Considerable control is required in this area. A serious flaw and shortcoming is the lack of international cooperation in the fight against human trafficking and the use of slave labor (there is no cooperation at the proper level, the most active cooperation).


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How to Cite

Khayrullina Р.М. 2023. “Human Trafficking and the Use of Slave Labor: Current Problems of Criminal Legal Regulation and Ways to Solve Them”. SOCIAL MANAGEMENT 5 (2S):252-57.